Pol Heyvaert

Pol Heyvaert is a Belgian stage director and designer with long-standing ties to the Ghent-based theatre company Victoria.

Pol Heyvaert has a long-standing relationship with Victoria.[1] He was the stage designer for several of their productions including: Moeder en Kind (Alain Platel & Arne Sierens; 1994); Bernadetje (Alain Platel & Arne Sierens; 1997); Dansé Donsé Dan Dan (Latrinité; 1995), Auri Sacra Fames (Latrinité; 1997); Limbus Patrum (Latrinité; 2000), Wayn Storm Carmen Story and Mise-en-Traub V (Wayn Traub;2001); Snack Bar Tragedy (Christophe Frick; 2002) and White Star (Lies Pauwels; 2004).

Pol Heyvaert also founded the Kung Fu collective together with Felix van Groeningen, where he directed Best Of and Discothèque. He has also worked as stage designer for Les Ballets C de la B, notably for Alain Platel’s iets Op Bach (1998), and for Nieuwpoorttheater with De 10des (1994), Napels (1996), Radio Carmen (1996) and Flippers (1996).

In 2001, he collaborated with [[Felix van Groeningen]] again on the Kung Fu short film Bonjour Maman and as a production designer for the [[feature film]] Steve + Sky.

Supporting artist For Oh Boy. In 2006

Artistic director in looking for Alfred from [Johan Grimonprez] 2005.

Directed [Aalst (play)] Conceived, directed and designed texts by Pol Heyvaert and Dimitri Verhulst[2] English translation by Duncan McLean National Theatre of Scotland production Original version Victoria 2005 Scottish version 2007, production at the Sydney Festival 2008[3]

Directed, stage design and video Nightshade

A Victoria production,.

directed, wrote René. (co-text Paul Mennens)

A Campo production Coproductie: Theater Antigone & MUHKA
